Code of Conduct



The following code of conduct is intended to help create an open and inclusive event environment that fosters enjoyable and productive interactions and discussions.

Imago Techmedia (“ Imago ”) is committed to creating an event environment that is safe, professional and which values diversity and inclusion for all who attend. Every event participant, whether speaker, attendee, sponsor or staff (each, a “ Participant ”) is entitled to be treated fairly, with courtesy and respect.

Imago will not tolerate harassment of any Participant, in any form – this code of conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in our community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behaviour.

What constitutes harassment and unacceptable behaviour?

Harassment includes, but is not limited to;

  • Offensive verbal comments or personal insults related to gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, race or religion;
  • Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language;
  • Deliberate intimidation;
  • Stalking or unwelcome following during the event;
  • Unwelcome and unauthorised photography or recording;
  • Sustained and deliberate disruption of activities or events;
  • Inappropriate physical conduct; and
  • Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes sexualized comments or jokes, inappropriate touching, groping and unwelcome advances.


  • no weapons or drugs of any kind are permitted at Imago events;
  • exhibitors and speakers are expected to comply with the additional parts of the code of conduct specific to them (as set out below); and
  • all Participants are expected to follow the dress code (as set out below).

Participants at any Imago event should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that comports with both the letter and spirit of this policy prohibiting harassment and abusive behaviour, whether before, during or after the event. This includes statements made in social media postings, on-line publications, text messages, and all other forms of electronic communication.

Exhibitors and Speakers

Exhibitors should not use sexualised images, activities or other material on their stands and must refrain from the use of sexualized clothing, uniforms, costumes, or otherwise creating a sexualised environment.

Speakers should not use sexual language, image, or any language or images that could constitute harassment or unacceptable behaviour (as set out above) in their talks. Speakers should also use inclusive language and are recommended to take the online course designed to teach the viewer about inclusion, diversity and unconscious bias.

Dress Code

Staff at exhibition stands should be dressed in business casual attire. As a rule of thumb, attire which is considered appropriate at the exhibitor’s own place of business will be generally acceptable during the event, subject to the paragraph below.

Given the fact that many cultures and nationalities are expected to be represented at Imago events, attire of an openly revealing nature is expressly discouraged. Imago reserves the right to request that Participants change their attire or leave the premises immediately if Imago, in its absolute discretion, believes that their appearance might be offensive to other Participants.

What are the consequences of unacceptable behaviour?

Unacceptable behaviour from any Participant, including sponsors and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to comply immediately.

If a Participant violates the conduct rules and/or behaves in an unacceptable manner, Imago may take any action it deems appropriate, including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from that event without warning or refund. Imago also reserves the right to permanently ban such Participant from any future Imago events.

Under certain circumstances, and at its discretion, Imago may contact venue security or local police.

How to report bad conduct

If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behaviour – and it is safe to do so – Imago encourages you to request that the person stop the unwanted behaviour. Participants who are asked to cease this behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

If you do not feel comfortable taking the action above or the behaviour does not cease, you should contact the Imago team at the registration desk. The team will investigate the claim to the best of their ability and take action immediately.

Conference staff can be identified onsite by their Imago Techmedia badges.

As a follow-up, Participants are encouraged to contact the Imago Portfolio Director and/or the Imago Content Director on the following email addresses to report any violation of this code of conduct at an IMT event:

Portfolio Development Director – Dominie Roberts – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Imago expects Participants to follow these rules at all Imago Events